
1.   Summary of macro economic aggregates at current prices, 1950-51 to 2013-14
2.   Summary of macro economic aggregates at constant(2004-05) prices, 1950-51 to 2013-14
3.   State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 2004-05 prices series
3a.   State domestic product state series 2004-05
4.   State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 1999-2000 series
4a.   State domestic product state series1999-2000
5.   State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 1993-94 series
5a.   State domestic product state series 1993-94
6.   State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 1980-81 series
6a.   state domestic product state series 1980-81
7.   Estimates of State Domestic Product 1960-61 - 1983-84 series
8.   Annual and Quarterly Estimate of GDP at Current Prices, Base Year 2004-05
9.   Annual and Quarterly Estimate of GDP at constant (2004-05)prices
10.   Annual and Quarterly Estimate of GDP at Current Prices, Base Year 1999-2000
11.   Annual and Quarterly Estimate of GDP at constant (1999-2000)prices
12.    Annual and Quarterly Estimates of GDP at current prices, 2011-12 series
13.   Annual and Quarterly Estimates of GDP at constant prices, 2011-12 series
14.   QUARTERLY ESTIMATES OF GDP AT 1993-94 PRICES and at Current Prices
15.   Summary of Estimates of GDP and Disposable Income at Current Prices (1993-94 Base Year)
16.   Summary of Estimates of GDP at  Constant (1993-94) Prices
17.   State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 2011-2012 series
18.   GSVA/NSVA by economic activities
19.   Revision Matrix(Quarterly)
20.   Revision Matrix(Annual)
21.   Supply Use Tables
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