13.9 Type studies recommended on Gross Domestic Product

  • Appendix 13.1 :Type studies Recommended on Gross Domestic Product




    Description of the topics

    Benefits of the study

    Year of last type study



    Yield estimates of crops other than the principal crops, grass and fodder crops


    These are presently not available.  The study will enable in improvement of the quality of production estimates for these crops.  These crops account for 28.3 % of the total output of the agriculture sector and 3.6 % of gross output of the entire economy in 1993-94.

    Grass and fodder -

    NSS 1952-53

    For other crops, estimates are made on the basis of value of output per hectare of similar crops.



    Production of newly emerging commercial crops like mushrooms and other high valued herbs and spices; ancillary activities like cut and dried flowers.

    No reliable estimates are presently available.  The study will enable us to know the estimated production of these crops. 

    Not included in the GDP estimates.



    Seed rates of crops other than those covered in the Cost of Cultivation Studies


    These are presently available from the States or based on DMI 1958 studies The study will enable improvement in the quality of input-seed estimates of these crops.  These account for 4.1 % of the inputs of the sector and 0.3 % of the total input of the economy.

    For the crops masoor, other pulses, horsegram, other oilseeds, and sweet potato, seed rates are based on DMI, 1958. The State Governments furnish annually seed rates of crops other than those covered under CCS and mentioned above.  These are ad hoc estimates.



    Number of fallen animals, production of goat hair, camel hair and pig bristles and meat by-products


    The study will enable in updating the rates of these items.  These account for 18.6 % of the livestock sector's output and 0.8 % of the total output of the economy.

    DMI studies of 1957, 1958, 1961



    Estimates of consumption of roughage and concentrates (including composition) consumed by different categories of cattle


    The study will result in improving the quality of input estimates of livestock sector.  These inputs account for 45.3 % of the inputs of the sector and 1.5 % of the aggregate inputs of the economy.

    NSS 1975-76



    Production of minor forest products.

    These are currently based on royalty figures.  The study will result in improving the quality of these estimates.  These products account for 13 % of the output of the sector and 0.1 % of total output of economy.

    State Governments furnish these estimates on the basis of royalty figures, annually.



    Unrecorded industrial wood. Inputs in forestry sector



    The study will help in updating the present ratio of 10 % of output.  The inputs account for 0.1 % of total input of the economy.

    Based on budget analysis in respect of Government forests by the States from time to time.



    Estimates of production of fish and prawns from fish ponds cultivation and subsistence fish.


    No reliable estimates are available.  These account for 5.1 % of sector's output and neg. proportion of output of total economy.

    Estimates of cultivated fish are furnished by the States, but they are not considered reliable in the absence of a census of inland water bodies.



    Inputs in fishing sector


    The study will help in updating the present ratio of 10 to 22.5 % of output.  The inputs account for 0.2 % of total input of the economy.


    Based on the information provided by the State fisheries departments in 1993-94. 



    Information relating to the details of activities of unorganised non-banking financial undertakings and Own-account money lenders.

    The study will result in improvement of quality of the sector's estimates.  This accounts for 6.6 % of the sector's output and 0.3 % of total output of the economy.

    Assumed ratio.

    AIDIS does not capture data on money lenders


    Local Bodies

    Budgetary transactions of local bodies.

    The study will result in improvement of quality of the sector's estimates.  This accounts for 6.1 % of the public sector's output and 0.3 % of total GDP of the economy.

    Only four States, Delhi, Meghalaya, U.P. and Maharashtra are doing annually, a complete analysis of local bodies accounts.

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