National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA)

National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA) (“Academy”), then National Academy of Statistical Administration (NASA) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), came into being on 13th February, 2009. Its mandate includes imparting training in the field of Official Statistics to the statistical personnel, not only of the Central and State / UT governments of the country but also of the developing countries in the Asia Pacific region.

The training programmes are meant for different target groups like fresh recruits and in-service officers of the Indian Statistical Service (ISS), Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS); statistical personnel of State / UT governments; M. Stats. students of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI); UG / PG students and Professors of Statistics of different Universities. Further, the Academy conducts need-based / request-based training for officers of other services, departments/ organizations, State / UT governments and developing countries.

The Academy has been established over 8 acres and has three main blocks as follows:

  1. Academic Block
  2. Hostel Block
  3. Residential Block

The Academy partners with various institutes to conduct its training programmes.

The Sukhatme Library, housed in the Academic Block, is a repository of about 23,400 books.

There are three computer labs in the Academic Block. These are exclusively meant for participants of training programmes.

Sports facilities available in the Academy include Chess, Carrom Board, Table Tennis, Badminton and Volley Ball. In addition, a fully equipped Yoga centre and a Gymnasium are also available.

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