Tender Notification

E.g., 2024-07-18
E.g., 2024-07-18
Sr. No. Subject Tender reference no Date of issue Closing Date
1171 Tender for Xenon Server with OS (AS4 Standard) no_d_11011/2009-10-Ad-IV 04-11-2010 19-11-2010
1172 Name Plates, Self inking stamps etc no. d-19021/1/2006-Genl. 22-10-2010 22-11-2010
1173 Maintenance contract (AMC) for computer/printer/UPS/Laptop etc. no.d-21014/3/2007-genl 22-10-2010 09-11-2010
1174 Quotation for Cleaning Services No. D-25011/15/2010-11-E.V 30-09-2010 18-10-2010
1175 Annual contract for hiring vehicles for official purposes tender nasa 23-09-2010 13-10-2010
1176 Quotations for Security services No. HKS/FOD/2010-11-HKS 22-09-2010 06-10-2010
1177 Disposal of obsolete/unserviceable Desktop computers, photocopiers,printers,Ups etc no.d-19012/1/2006-genl 17-09-2010 12-10-2010
1178 Maintenance/Refilling of fire Extinguisher at s.p Bhavan for the year 2010-11 no.d_31016/27/2003-genl 13-09-2010 27-09-2010
1179 Sale of Duplicating Machine-regarding No.D-25011/1/2008-09/E-V 06-09-2010 22-09-2010
1180 Printing of the publications:Manual on Vital Statistics F.No.M-12012/34(A)/2009-SSD-II 06-09-2010 30-09-2010


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