Tender Notification

E.g., 2024-07-17
E.g., 2024-07-17
Sr. No. Subject Tender reference no Date of issue Closing Date
1231 Quotation for Printing of various reports of routine nature of TPP and IPM Divisions of the Ministry.dt.01.07.2009 no.D.29011/2/2009-Genl 01-07-2009 21-07-2009
1232 Quotation for Stationary Items dt. 14.05.09 D-15020/5/2008-Genl 14-05-2009 01-06-2009
1233 Quotation for providing security guards dt. 11.05.09 D-31016/16/2003-Genl 11-05-2009 18-05-2009
1234 Quotation for rate of printing for the publication "Statistical Pocket Book India 2008" Dt.8th april 2009. NO.I-12012/1/2007-RPU 08-04-2009 17-04-2009
1235 Quotation for availability of Room/Desert cooler and water men on rent basis. Dated:-06.04.09 D-31016/2/2009-Genl 08-04-2009 17-04-2009
1236 Quotation for availability of Room/Desert cooler and water men on rent basis. Dated:-06.04.09 D-31016/2/2009-Genl 08-04-2009 17-04-2009
1237 Quotation for availability of Daily wages Employees. Dated:-06.04.09. D-31016/3/2009-Genl 06-04-2009 16-04-2009
1238 Disposal of condemned dak van ( Three wheeler ) of the Ministry;Dated 05.3.2009. D-26017/1/2009-Genl 05-03-2009 18-03-2009
1239 Annual Maintenance Contract for repair/maintenance of staff cars;Dated 02.3.2009. D-26017/8/2008-Genl 02-03-2009 31-03-2009
1240 Quotation for Printing of Hindi magazine "paridrishya"Dated 26.2.2009. D-29011/15/2008-Genl 26-02-2009 09-03-2009


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