Labour Statistics |
Dependency ratio of persons |
Labour Statistics |
Literacy rate (in per cent) of persons of different age groups |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons by general educational level |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons of age 15 years & above by technical educational level |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons of age 15 years and above who are literate through formal schooling by usual status (ps+ss) for different number of years spent in formal education |
Labour Statistics |
Average number of years spent in formal education by workers in us(ps+ss) of different age groups through formal schooling by industry of work who are literate through formal schooling by industry of work |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons of different age groups (age: 15-29 years/ 15-59 years) by vocational / technical training received |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons in the age group 15-59 years who received formal vocational / technical training by field of training for each broad usual status (ps+ss) |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons in the age group 15-59 years who received formal vocational / technical training by broad usual activity status (ps+ss) |
Labour Statistics |
Percentage distribution of persons by usual status (ps+ss) for each age-group |