Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) of persons who used mobile telephone with active sim card at least once during last three months preceding the date of the survey |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) of households reported access to broadband within the premises and mass media* |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) of persons who have an account individually or jointly in any bank/ other financial institution/mobile money service provider |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Number of borrowers* per 1,00,000 persons |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) of persons of age less than 5 years, who have ever registered with civil authority for birth certificate |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) distribution of different sources of finance from which maximum amount was financed by the household |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) distribution of persons by the location of their last usual place of residence for different present place of residence |
Multiple Indicator Survey |
Percentage(%) distribution of persons by main reason for leaving last usual place of residence |
Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises |
Estimated number of establishments by broad activity category, sector and establishment type |
Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises |
Percentage Share of estimated number of Establishments by broad activity category, sector and establishment type |