
Type Title
All India Debt & Investment Survey Average Value Of Assets(AVA), Average Amount of Debt (AOD) and Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) as on 30.06.2018 by Social groups
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage of households reporting FCE(Fixed capital Expenditure & EPL(Expenditure on Purchase of Land) and average values (Rs.) of FCE & EPL per household for occupational category of households
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage of households reporting FCE(Fixed Capital Expenditure & EPL(Expenditure on Purchase of Land) and average values (Rs.) of FCE & EPL per household by broad head of expenditure during 01.07.2018 to 30.06.2019
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage of adult population (18 years & above) having deposit account in Bank
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage of adult population (18 years & above) having deposit account in Post Office
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage share of different Components of assets in total value of assets
All India Debt & Investment Survey Percentage of household reporting cash debt as on 30.06.2018 - Institutional credit And Non-Institutional agencies
All India Debt & Investment Survey Break-up of different components of assets in the total value of assets for each occupational category of households as on 30.06.2018
comprehensive Annual Modular Survey Percentage of persons able to read and write short simple statements in their everyday life with understanding-All India
comprehensive Annual Modular Survey Percentage of persons able to read and write short simple statements in their everyday life with understanding in rural and urban areas


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