All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Average Value Of Assets(AVA), Average Amount of Debt (AOD) and Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) as on 30.06.2018 by Social groups |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage of households reporting FCE(Fixed capital Expenditure & EPL(Expenditure on Purchase of Land) and average values (Rs.) of FCE & EPL per household for occupational category of households |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage of households reporting FCE(Fixed Capital Expenditure & EPL(Expenditure on Purchase of Land) and average values (Rs.) of FCE & EPL per household by broad head of expenditure during 01.07.2018 to 30.06.2019 |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage of adult population (18 years & above) having deposit account in Bank |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage of adult population (18 years & above) having deposit account in Post Office |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage share of different Components of assets in total value of assets |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Percentage of household reporting cash debt as on 30.06.2018 - Institutional credit And Non-Institutional agencies |
All India Debt & Investment Survey |
Break-up of different components of assets in the total value of assets for each occupational category of households as on 30.06.2018 |
comprehensive Annual Modular Survey |
Percentage of persons able to read and write short simple statements in their everyday life with understanding-All India |
comprehensive Annual Modular Survey |
Percentage of persons able to read and write short simple statements in their everyday life with understanding in rural and urban areas |