
Type Title
Women and Men in India State-wise Gender Parity Indices (GPI) for different period
Women and Men in India Enrolment at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects during 2021-22
Women and Men in India Enrolment at Ph.D., M.Phil. & Post Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects during 2021-22
Women and Men in India Female per 100 Male Students in important Programmes at Under Graduate & Post Graduate Level in Regular mode of Education during 2015-16 to 2020-21
Women and Men in India Average number of years completed in formal education by persons with level of education pre-primary or above as per NSS 75th Round July, 2017- June, 18, National Statistical Office
Women and Men in India Percentage of the population of age 25 years and above with at least Secondary Education as the highest level of education successfully completed for each State/UT for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22
Women and Men in India Examination Result Level-wise Out-turn/Pass out in Higher Education in different years
Women and Men in India Dropout Rate by Sex and Level of School Education in different years
Women and Men in India Average expenditure (Rs.) relating to basic course per student pursuing general course during the current academic year for each level of current attendance
Women and Men in India Average expenditure (Rs.) per student in basic course in the current academic year by type of course pursuing (general course and technical/ professional course) for different States


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