Women and Men in India |
State-wise Gender Parity Indices (GPI) for different period |
Women and Men in India |
Enrolment at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects during 2021-22 |
Women and Men in India |
Enrolment at Ph.D., M.Phil. & Post Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects during 2021-22 |
Women and Men in India |
Female per 100 Male Students in important Programmes at Under Graduate & Post Graduate Level in Regular mode of Education during 2015-16 to 2020-21 |
Women and Men in India |
Average number of years completed in formal education by persons with level of education pre-primary or above as per NSS 75th Round July, 2017- June, 18, National Statistical Office |
Women and Men in India |
Percentage of the population of age 25 years and above with at least Secondary Education as the highest level of education successfully completed for each State/UT for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 |
Women and Men in India |
Examination Result Level-wise Out-turn/Pass out in Higher Education in different years |
Women and Men in India |
Dropout Rate by Sex and Level of School Education in different years |
Women and Men in India |
Average expenditure (Rs.) relating to basic course per student pursuing general course during the current academic year for each level of current attendance |
Women and Men in India |
Average expenditure (Rs.) per student in basic course in the current academic year by type of course pursuing (general course and technical/ professional course) for different States |