Women and Men in India |
Percentage of persons in different age groups participating in the activities in a day as per Time Use Survey 2019 |
Women and Men in India |
Percentage of persons participating in learning activities and average time (in minutes) spent in a day per participant in learning activities as per Time Use Survey 2019 |
Women and Men in India |
Average time (in minutes) spent in a day per person in unpaid activities, paid activities and residual other activities as per Time Use Survey 2019 |
Women and Men in India |
Average time (in minutes) spent in a day per person in unpaid activities (SNA and Non-SNA), paid activities and residual other activities (6 years and above) as per Time Use Survey 2019 |
Women and Men in India |
Percentage of women employed in various Bank-Groups at various levels in Scheduled Commercial Banks as on March, 2023 |
Women and Men in India |
State-wise Distribution of Employees of Scheduled Commercial Banks by Employee Category as on March, 2023 |
Women and Men in India |
Population Group-Wise Female to Total Individuals (%) in Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks as on March, 2023 |
Women and Men in India |
State-wise and Gender-wise deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks by Broad Ownership Category as on March, 2023 |
Women and Men in India |
Representation of Women in the Central Council of Ministers as on 19th February, 2024 |
Women and Men in India |
No. of Male Candidates and Female Canidiates Elected in Various Lok Sabha Elections |