Items of information under the coverage of ASI, 1999-2000

I. Part-I of the Schedule

Block No.

Title of the Block

Items of information included in the block





For official use

Identification details of the factory; description of industry; industry codes as per frame and return; schedule dispatch number.


Some details about the factory (to be filled by owners)

Name and address of the factory; name and designation of contact person with telephone, fax and e-mail number; some details about the factory, viz. type of organisation, type of ownership, year of initial production, accounting year and number of months of operation.


Fixed assets

Gross value of fixed assets (beginning of the year, addition and deletion during the year and end of the year); depreciation (up to year beginning, adjustment during year and up to year end) and net value of fixed assets (beginning of the year and end of the year).


Working capital and loans

For year beginning and year end by detailed category of items.


Employment and labour cost

Man days worked (manufacturing, non-manufacturing and total), average employment, wages or salaries, bonus, contribution to provident and other funds, workmen and staff welfare expenses by category of staff; total number of working days; total cost of production.


Other expenses

Details of expenses (by category of items) other than those incurred on inputs consumed and reported in blocks H & I.


Other output or receipts

Details of receipts (by category of items) other than those on products and by-products manufactured and reported in block J.









Input items – indigenous items consumed

Item code, unit of quantity, quantity consumed and purchase value for major five basic items; quantity consumed (wherever applicable) and purchase value for other basic items (indigenous) put together, total basic items, non-basic chemicals, packing items, electricity purchased, fuel consumed (by category of fuel), consumable store; total non-basic items and total inputs.



Input items – directly imported items only consumed


Item code, unit of quantity, quantity consumed and purchase value at delivery for each of major five imported items, other imported items put together and total inputs.


Products and by-products (manufactured by the unit)

Item code, unit of quantity, quantity manufactured, quantity sold, gross sale value, details of distributive expenses, per unit sale value and ex-factory value of output – for ten major items, other products and by-products put together and total.


Particulars of field operations

Names of Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent; dates of scrutiny and dispatch of schedule.


Comments of Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent (Reasons for negative working capital and for any abnormal entries).

II. Part-II of the Schedule

Block No.

Title of the Block

Items of information included in the block





Identification and other particulars

Identification details; type of organisation; type of ownership; accounting year; names of Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent


Man days worked, absenteeism, labour turnover for regular workers directly employed for each month of the year

For each of 12 months: scheduled working days for workers; number of man days worked; number of man days lost due to absence; number of workers in employment on 1st day of month and last day of month; accessions during the month; separations during the month due to (i) death or retirement, and (ii) other causes

III. Summary blocks

Block No.

Title of the Block

Items of information included in the block





Identification particulars

Important identification particulars


Summary data (provisional: for the period 1.4.99 to 31.3.2000)

Total number of employees; total wage bill; total items consumed; total other expenses; gross sale; total distributive expenses; total other receipts; variation in stock of finished goods; depreciation on fixed assets provided during the year; addition to fixed assets.

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