13.1 Existing publication of NAS and its releases

  • Nature of National Accounts Statistics
    • 13.1.1 The system of National Accounts Statistics (NAS) consists of a coherent, consistent and integrated set of macro-economic accounts - current and accumulation accounts, balance sheets and tables based on agreed concepts, definitions and accounting rules. From the stage of production of goods and services to the stage of their final disposal, innumerable transactions take place. National Accounts help us to understand in a nutshell how these various transactions are inter‑related and give us an idea of the working of an economy. The NAS are compiled to meet the needs of Government, private analysts, policy makers and decision takers. The major use of the NAS is to assess how a country’s economy is performing over time. These data are immensely useful for the purpose of building-up macro-economic models for projecting long and short-term expectations about future prospects. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is the value in monetary terms of all goods and services produced in the economy in a given period of time, is the most important macro‑economic aggregate of National Accounts. It is also used as a denominator for the estimation of rates of saving, capital formation, fiscal deficit, current account deficit, interest payments, expenditure on various social sectors, to name a few.
    • 13.1.2 The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSP&I) is responsible for the compilation of NAS. At the State level, State Directorates of Economics and Statistics (DESs) have the responsibility of compiling there State Domestic Product and other aggregates.
    • 13.1.3 The statistics that are released by the CSO and the State DESs relate to various macro-economic aggregates of the Indian economy. The aggregates compiled and released (at current and constant prices) at annual periodicity by the CSO include gross and net domestic product by economic activity, consumption, saving, capital formation and capital stock, public sector transactions and dis-aggregated statements, as well as the four consolidated accounts of the nation namely, (a) Gross Domestic Product and expenditure, (b) National Disposable Income and its appropriation, (c) Capital Finance; and (d) External transactions. The CSO also releases the quarterly GDP estimates on the last working day of each quarter, the estimates pertaining to the previous quarter. In addition to these macro-aggregates, the CSO compiles and releases the Input Output Transaction Table (IOTT) at a periodicity of 5 years and the State-wise and crop-wise value of the output of agricultural crops at an ad hoc periodicity. The CSO also maintains the database on Gross and Net State Domestic Products, by industry, which is compiled by the State DESs.
    • 13.1.4 The NAS are compiled by the CSO, following the recommendations and guidelines enunciated in the United Nations System of National Accounts (UN-SNA). Recommendations of the latest UN-SNA 1993 are being incorporated into the NAS to the extent permitted by the data system. The base year revisions and changes in the database and methodology of the series of National accounts are effected by the CSO with the consent and approval of the Advisory Committee on National Accounts, which is chaired by an eminent economist from a Non-Governmental Organisation and consists of members from both Government and non-Government institutions and research bodies. The CSO revises the base year of the NAS series, periodically, utilising the work-force estimates available from the Population Census and the quinquennial surveys on employment and unemployment conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). At the time of the revision of base years, the CSO undertakes a large-scale review of the methodology adopted and the current database that is available on various economic activities of the country.
    • Current Status of National Accounts Statistics
      • 13.1.5 The CSO released the current series of NAS with 1993-94 as Base Year, in February 1999. This series was introduced after a comprehensive review of the database as well as the methodology employed in the estimation of various aggregates. It also involved a number of revisions arising out of conceptual and methodological improvements as well as use of the latest available data. Details of the revisions and methodology adopted are published in the publication of CSO (1999), “New Series on NAS: Base Year 1993-94”. The previous series of NAS had 1980-81 as the base and was released in the year 1987. Base Years have been revised periodically by the CSO in the past, starting from 1948-49 to 1960-61 and 1970-71.
    • Annual National Accounts Statistics
      • Advance estimate of National income and its update
        • 13.1.6 The first estimates of the Annual National Income for a reference year are released by the CSO, about two months before the close of the year, in the form of Advance Estimates (AE) of National Income. These estimates present at both current and constant prices and at factor cost, the Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Net Domestic Product (NDP), and Per Capita Income (Per Capita Net National Product at factor cost) by industry. These estimates are subsequently revised and released on the last working day of June, i.e. with a lag of three months, as updates of advance estimates. The AE are compiled using the methodology evolved by the CSO which is similar to the methodology adopted for the Quick Estimates (QE) and are based on anticipated agricultural production and industrial production, analysis of budget estimates of Government expenditure and performance of key sectors like railways, communication, banking and insurance, available at that point of time.
      • Quick Estimates of National Income and related aggregates
        • 13.1.7 Quick Estimates of NAS and the Revised Estimates of the earlier years are released by the CSO utilising the available data of various sectors provided by the statistical system, in the month of January or February of the following year (with a 10-month lag). Along with the Quick Estimates for the previous financial year, estimates for the earlier years are also revised using the detailed data supplied by various source agencies.
      • Annual Publication of National Accounts Statistics
        • 13.1.8 The detailed methodology employed in the compilation of NAS and the data sources used are given in the CSO publications: (a) National Accounts Statistics- Sources and Methods, 1989, and (b) New Series on National Accounts Statistics: Base Year 1993-94, 1999.
        • 13.1.9 The annual NAS are released by the CSO in its annual publication, “National Accounts Statistics”. This publication follows the Press Note on “Quick Estimates of National Income, consumption expenditure, saving and capital formation”. The NAS publication is divided into 5 parts.
          • Part-I: Macro-economic Aggregates
            • 13.1.10 Macro‑Economic Aggregates present the summary statements of macro‑economic aggregates (GDP, NDP, GNP, and NNP at factor cost and market prices, indirect taxes less subsidies, Consumption of Fixed Capital, Net National Disposable Income, Personal Disposable Income, Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) in the domestic market, Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE), exports and imports, Gross Domestic Capital Formation, Net Domestic Capital Formation and Savings) and their inter-relationships, growth rates, implicit price deflators, consolidated accounts of the nation (GDP and Expenditure, National Disposable Income and its appropriation, Capital Finance and external transactions) and performance of the public sector.
          • Part-II: Domestic Product
            • 13.1.11 The part of NAS entitled `Domestic Product' presents statements on GDP and NDP by sector of origin or by economic activity (agriculture, forestry and logging, fishing, mining and quarrying, registered and unregistered manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, construction, trade, hotels and restaurants, railways, transport by other means, storage and communication, banking and insurance, real estate, ownership of dwellings and business services, public administration, defence and other services), along with the percentage distribution and growth rates.
          • Part III: Consumption, Saving and Capital Formation
            • 13.1.12 Consumption, Saving and Capital Formation provides the estimates of PFCE, (compiled by 161 commodity groups, but presented in the NAS by about 38 commodity groups, the broad groups being, food, beverages and tobacco, clothing and footwear, gross rent, fuel and power, furniture, furnishing, appliances and services, medical care and health services, transport and communication, recreation, education and cultural services and miscellaneous goods and services. The PFCE estimates are also presented by type of goods namely, durable goods, semi-durable goods, non-durable goods, services, direct purchase abroad by resident households and direct purchase in the domestic market by non-resident households and extra territorial bodies.
            • 13.1.13 Gross Domestic Savings is presented by type of institutions namely, households, private corporate and public sector. The Household Sector Savings is presented separately for Financial Savings (in the form of changes in currency, net deposits, shares and debentures, net claims on Government, life insurance funds, provident and pension funds) and savings in the form of physical assets comprising construction and machinery and equipment. Private Corporate Sector Savings is presented separately for the components of non-financial and financial joint stock companies and co-operative banks and societies. The Public Sector Savings is presented separately for Government Administration, Departmental Commercial Undertakings (DCUs), Non-Departmental Commercial Undertakings (NDCUs) – Government companies and statutory corporations. Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC) and Net Domestic Savings are also presented separately for the three types of institutions namely, public, private corporate and household.
            • 13.1.14 The estimates of Capital Formation comprising Fixed Capital Formation and Change in Stocks are presented by type of assets (separately construction, machinery and equipment) and by type of institutions, i.e. public, private corporate and household sectors. Estimates of Capital Formation are also presented (at current and constant prices) by industry of use.
            • 13.1.15 The estimates (separately at current and constant prices) of Net Fixed Capital Stock (NFCS), inventory and Net Capital Stock are presented by type of institutions namely, public sector – separately for administrative departments, DCU and NDCU, private corporate sector – separately for joint stock companies and co-operative banks, societies, and the household sector. The estimates (separately at current and constant prices) of NFCS, Inventory and Net Capital Stock are also given by industry of use in this part.
          • Part-IV: Public Sector Transactions
            • 13.1.16 ‘Public Sector Transactions’ deal, besides details of the Public sector component of aggregates like GDP and NDP (by type of institution and economic activity), GFCE (by purpose), Savings, Capital Formation; this part also presents the economic accounts separately for administrative departments, Departmental Commercial Undertakings (DCUs) and Non-Departmental Commercial Undertakings (NDCUs). Estimates of Factor Incomes, i.e. compensation of employees and operating surplus of the public sector by economic activity and type of institution are also presented. Thus information is presented in a three-fold classification namely, by factor incomes, by economic activities and by type of institutions. Property incomes namely, components of rent, interest and Financial Intermediary Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in public sector are also presented by type of economic activity and type of institution.
            • 13.1.17 This part gives data on the NDP of the public sector separately for Central Government and State Government (separately for each of the States), local authorities and quasi-Government bodies. GDP from the public sector is presented at current and constant prices, separately by type of economic activity and type of institution. Similar, information is also given for the NDP.
            • 13.1.18 The Final Consumption Expenditure of the administrative departments are given separately for the expenditures on compensation of employees, net purchase of commodities and services separately by the Central Government, State Government and local authorities.
            • 13.1.19 Item-wise details of Domestic Saving, Gross Capital Stock, and Net Domestic Capital Formation in the public sector are provided in the same details for the economy as a whole. Capital formation in the public sector is also presented by type of assets namely, buildings, roads and bridges, other construction works, transport equipment, machinery and equipment, change in stocks and CFC separately for the institutions namely, administrative departments, DCU and NDCU. The estimates of net capital stock in the public sector are presented in the same detail as for the economy as a whole, mentioned earlier. Another important area in the public sector transaction is the details of expenditure of the administrative departments by economic and purpose classification. The economic classification categories are the current expenditure separately on consumption expenditure, subsidy, current transfers to local bodies and other current transfers in capital expenditure, the gross fixed capital formation, change in stock, net investment in stock, capital transfers to local bodies, other capital transfers, loans and advances to local bodies and loans and advances to the domestic sector. The categories of the purpose classification provided for in the tabulation of the expenditure of administrative departments are: General Public Services – separately on general administration, regulation, and general research, Defence, Education – separately on “administration, regulation and research” and on schools, universities and institutions; Health – separately of administration, regulation and research, hospitals, clinics and health services; Social Security and Welfare Services; Housing and other amenities; Cultural recreational and religious services; Economic services separately on (a) general administration regulation and research; (b) agriculture, forestry and fishing; (c) mining, manufacturing and construction; (d) electricity, gas and water supply; (e) atomic energy; (f) transport and communication; (g) other economic services, Other services – separately on relief on calamities and other miscellaneous services.
            • 13.1.20 GFCE is also presented by purpose classification where Government includes both Central and State Governments. The Consumption Expenditure of local bodies is however, excluded in this tabulation as their details is not available. This part also gives the details of the production account separately for railways and communication, departmental enterprises other than railways and communication and producers of Government services. Income and Outlay Accounts are given separately for railways, communication and administrative departments including departmental enterprises other than railways and communications. Capital Finance Accounts are given separately for railways, communication and administrative departments including departmental enterprises other than railways and communication. The Production Account of non-departmental enterprises as a whole, non-departmental non-financial enterprises and non-departmental financial enterprises are given separately. The Income and Outlay Account of non-departmental non-financial enterprises and non-departmental financial enterprises are given separately. Similarly, the Capital Finance Account of non-departmental non-financial enterprises and non-departmental financial enterprises are given separately.
          • Part-V: Disaggregated Statements
            • 13.1.21 ‘Disaggregated Statements’ presents detailed disaggregated statements at the crop/item/category level. The statements include the details of value of output, input and value added for each type of economic activity. Thus the details provided under agriculture relate to the value of output of each of the crops as well as various livestock products and the total inputs used in the sector by items. Under mining and quarrying, the details provided relate to the value of output and inputs of major minerals and minor minerals with further disaggregation of major minerals into fuel minerals, metallic minerals and non‑metallic minerals. The nature and extent of disaggregated data vary from industry to industry depending on the availability of information and procedure of estimation. Besides, disaggregated estimates, in respect of savings, relate to financial assets and the liabilities of the household sector. Capital Formation by type of assets and by type of institutions and external transaction accounts are also presented in this part.
      • Factor Incomes
        • 13.1.22 The publication NAS also presents the factor incomes and property incomes by organised and unorganised sectors and by economic activity. The details of factor incomes provided refer to compensation of employees, operating surplus (in the case of organised sector) and mixed income (in the case of unorganised sector). The details of property incomes provided refer to rent, interest and Financial Intermediary Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) (earlier referred to as imputed bank charges). Estimates of factor incomes are presented at current prices only.
      • Notes on Methodology
        • 13.1.23 The publication presents at the end, a section of Notes on Methodology, which provides information on the revisions in the estimates indicating broadly the changes in the methodology and new source material used, for the benefit of the users.
      • Special Statements
        • 13.1.24 In addition to the regular statements, special statements are included in the publication to provide from time to time, data on such aggregates/components which are either not of regular nature or which are presented for the first time or which refer to the back year estimates of the current series. Sometimes, memorandum items are also presented in the form of special statements. Special tables are also included from time to time on an ad hoc basis.
      • Releases of National Accounts Aggregates
        • 13.1.25 The CSO releases various estimates of GDP and other related aggregates for a particular reference period at different points of time, utilising the data available at those points of time. While the Quarterly GDP estimates are released with a lag of one quarter, the AE of annual National income are released about 2 months before the close of the year. These AE are subsequently revised and released along-with the 4th quarterly estimates of GDP on the last working day of June, i.e. with a lag of 3 months. The Quick Estimates (QE) of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation are released generally in the month of January or February of the following year (with a 10-month lag) utilising the latest available detailed data of various sectors provided by the statistical system. Along with the Quick Estimates, the estimates for the previous years are also revised and released simultaneously. Revisions in the quarterly GDP estimates continue together with the corresponding annual estimates. The annual estimates undergo revision for about two to three years after the release of QE. It has been seen that the extent of revision after 3-4 years is only minimal.
        • Table 13. 1: Sector-wise position of data for estimates for the same year


          Advance Estimate

          Quick Estimate

          Revised Estimate-1

          Revised Estimate-2

          Revised Estimate-3

          (a) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

          Advance Estimates of kharif agriculture production.



          Limited data on rabi sowings.



          Quarterly estimates of fish production

          Revised Estimates of agriculture production on principal crops.


          Provisional data on forestry and fishing.


          Estimates compiled at All-India level

          Final Estimates of agriculture production.





          Forestry and fishing estimates compiled at state level.

          State level price data partially available

          Land utilisation statistics.





          Data from cost of cultivation studies.


          Estimates discussed with States and finalised.

          Land utilisation statistics and data from cost of cultivation studies, if not available in the previous year

          (b) Mining

          Production of coal, crude petroleum and IIP (Mining) for 8 months

          Provisional data on quantity and output from IBM and inputs/ output from Coal India Ltd./ Tata Iron & Steel Company

          Pvt. Sector (TISCO)

          Revised data on quantity and output and inputs from IBM and inputs /output from Coal India Limited

          (CIL) / TISCO

          / Pvt. Sector.


          Inputs from Oil & Natural Gas Commission

          (ONGC) / Oil India Limited (OIL)

          Data on minor minerals, after being finalised with States.

          Data on inputs, if not available earlier

          (c) Manufacturing

          IIP for 8 Months


          Provisional ASI results

          Final ASI results

          Final ASI results, if not available in the previous year

          (d) Electricity, Gas and Water Supply

          Index of electricity and budget estimates of expenditure of Centre and States

          Annual reports of Central under-takings and some of the State under-takings for electricity; revised estimates of expenditure of Centre and States for water public sector.

          Annual reports of Central and state undertakings for electricity; actual estimates of expenditure of Centre and States for water public sector; data from GAIL, M/o Non-Conventional Energy, KVIC and Municipalities

          Reports/data if not available in the previous year

          Reports/data if not available in the previous years

          (e) Construction

          Production data for 8 months on cement, steel, coal, IIP (metal and wood products)

          Production data for 12 months on cement, steel, coal, IIP (metal and wood products), budget documents (revised estimates)/

          annual reports

          Budget documents (actual estimates)/ annual reports

          Reports not available in the previous year

          Reports not available in the previous year

          (f) Trade

          Gross trading index compiled on the basis of the output of commodity producing sectors

          Budget documents (revised estimates)/ annual reports; enterprise survey results, if available

          Budget documents (actual estimates)/ annual reports, provisional data on Pvt. Corporate sector; enterprise survey results

          Reports not available in the previous year; data on Pvt. Corporate sector; enterprise survey results, if available

          Reports not available in the previous years; enterprise survey results, if available

          (g) Hotels and Restaurants








          (h) Railways

          Data for 8 months on net tonne kms. and passenger kms.

          Annual railway budget (revised estimates)

          Annual railway budget (actual estimates)



          (i) Other Transport

          Data for 8 months on production of commercial vehicles, cargo handled at major ports and net tonne kms. /passenger kms. in the case of air transport

          Budget documents (revised estimates)/ annual reports; enterprise survey results, if available and cargo handled in major ports

          Budget documents (actual estimates)/ annual reports; enterprise survey results, if available and number of registered commercial vehicles

          Reports not available in the previous year; data on Pvt. Corporate sector; enterprise survey results, if available

          Reports not available in the previous years; enterprise survey results, if available

          (j) Storage



          Annual reports of warehousing corporations and provisional results of ASI

          Annual reports of warehousing corporations and ASI final results



          Data for 8 months on postal and telecom. Revenue and on wholesale price index

          Budget documents (revised estimates)

          Budget documents (actual estimates) and data on physical indicators



          (l) Banking and Insurance

          Data for 8 months on aggregate deposits and aggregate credits

          Provisional data on banking and annual reports of non-banking financial institutions and insurance companies

          Final data on banking and annual reports of non-banking financial institutions and insurance companies

          Annual reports of non-banking financial institutions, if not available earlier

          Annual reports of non-banking financial institutions, if not available earlier

          (m) Real Estate, Business Services, Ownership of Dwellings

          Budget estimates of expenditure of Centre and States - for public part

          Projections of workforce on the basis of long-term survey results, budget documents (revised estimates)/

          annual reports

          Budget documents (actual estimates)/

          annual reports

          Reports not available in the previous year

          Reports not available in the previous year

          (n) Public Administration

          Budget estimates of expenditure of Centre and States

          Revised estimates of expenditure of Centre and States

          Actual estimates of expenditure of Centre and States



          (o) Other Services

          Budget estimates of expenditure of Centre and States - for public part

          Projections of workforce on the basis of long term survey results,

          budget documents (revised estimates)/

          annual reports.

          Budget documents (actual estimates)/

          annual reports

          Reports not available in the previous year

          Reports not available in the previous year

        • 13.1.26 A summary of aggregate GDP growth rates at current and constant prices in different years is presented in Table 13.2 (Series at 1980-81 base, estimates at 1980-81 prices), Table13. 3 (Series at 1980-81 base, estimates at current prices), Table13.4 (Series at 1993-94 base, estimates at 1993-94 prices) and Table 13.5 (Series at 1993-94 base, estimates at current prices).
        • Table 13.2:Growth Rates in GDP Estimates (at 1980-81 prices)

          (Series with 1980-81 as base year)


          Advance Estimate

          Quick Estimate



          Revised Estimate-2

          Revised Estimate-3



























          7.0 (Revised.AE)







          6.8 (Revised.AE)







          5.1 (Revised.AE)





          • Note: Revised AE was released for the first time for the year 1995-96
        • Table 13.3:Growth Rates in GDP Estimates (at current prices)

          (Series with 1980-81 as base year)


          Quick Estimate

          Revised Estimate-1

          Revised Estimate-2

































          • Note: AE were not prepared at current prices in the old series
        • Table 13.4: Growth Rates in GDP Estimates (at 1993-94 prices)

          (Series with 1993-94 as base year)


          Latest Estimates

          (Series with   1980-81  as base year)

          Estimates released in 1999

          Estimates released in 2000

          Estimates released in 2001












          7.5 (QE)





          5.1 (Revised.AE)

          5.0 (QE)





          5.8 (AE)

          6.0 (Revised.AE)

          6.8   (QE)





          5.9 (AE)

          6.4 (Revised.AE)

          6.4 (QE)





          6.0 (AE)

        • Table 13.5: Growth Rates in GDP Estimates (at current prices)

          (Series with 1993-94 as base year)


          Latest Estimates

          (Series with    1980-81  as base year)

          Estimates released in 1999

          Estimates released in 2000

          Estimates released in 2001


















          11.0 (QE)






          16.5   (QE.)





          9.6 (AE)


          10.5 (QE)





          11.4 (AE)

          • Note:
            • QE: Quick Estimate;
            • AE: Advance Estimate
            • AE were not prepared at current prices in the Year 1999 and earlier
            • The growth rates are with reference to the latest available estimates at the point in the release cycle in all the above four tables.
        • 13.1.27 Differences between various estimates for the same year arise mainly due to delay in the availability of data on the cost of cultivation studies, land utilisation statistics, Annual Survey of Industries, non-departmental commercial undertakings and data on certain sectors like mining, transport and banking. For a given year, two years prior to the reference year of the Quick Estimate, the estimates are more or less final, after they are discussed with the States. The land utilisation statistics, ASI results, detailed data on the banking sector, are available by this time. The availability of important data at different points of time for a particular year is shown below.

          Table 13.6: Data Used for Compilation of Different Estimates of GDP of a Given Year

          Nomenclature of Estimate

          Availability Of Data

          Advance Estimate

          AE of agriculture production (after the kharif harvest for (July to June) agriculture year), index of industrial production for 8 months, production of data on infrastructure industries and on services sectors like, railways and air in terms of net tonne kms and net passenger kms, cargo handled at major ports, postal and telecommunication revenue, revenue expenditure of Central Government and wholesale/consumer price indices for 8 to 9 months and budget estimates of Centre and States.

          Quick Estimates

          Revised Estimates of agriculture production, index of industrial production, revised budget estimates of Centre and States, reports of commercial undertakings and provisional data on other sectors and prices at All-India level.

          Revised Estimates-1

          Final estimates of agriculture production, provisional ASI results, actual estimates of Centre and States' expenditures, additional reports of commercial undertakings, provisional data on private corporate sector and detailed data on other sectors and prices at State level.

          Revised Estimates-2

          Land-utilization statistics (for grass, fodder and other miscellaneous crops), final ASI results, final data on private corporate sector and detailed data of all sectors.  Estimates are made final in consultation with the State DESs.

          Revised Estimates-3

          Delayed receipt of data in respect of some items under Revised Estimates-2 and reports of commercial undertakings.

    • Recommendations on the publication of NAS and Press Releases
      • 13.1.28 The credibility of NAS has been often questioned by users in the 1990s because of the large differences (in absolute magnitude as well as in terms of growth rates) in sectoral or aggregate estimates in different stages of revisions arising from delays or major revisions undertaken by the source agencies. It is particularly important to minimise the delays as well as major revisions. It is recommended that:
        • The Cabinet Secretariat or a similar high-level authority at the Centre and in the States should impress upon the source agencies to supply the requisite basic data for National Accounts Statistics (NAS) in a timely and reliable fashion by minimising delays and major revisions;
        • The National Accounts Division (NAD) of Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) should explicitly announce the time-table of release of NAS and strictly adhere to it;
        • The NAD of CSO should explicitly provide clarifications for the large differences (magnitude to be specified) from one revision to another for the same year in the sectoral and aggregate estimates along with the mention of the source agencies concerned;
        • The list of such source agencies causing delay and major revisions be notified to the apex technical agency, National Commission on Statistics, which would be in charge of supervising and monitoring the statistical system for information, appropriate action and devising institutional correctives.
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