Sixth Meeting of the Expert Group

IBGE, Brazil

SEPTEMBER   16-18, 2002


  • Inaugural   Address: Mr. Sergio Besserman Vianna
  • Adoption  of agenda                                                          
    16 September 2002, Monday Venue :  Rio   De Janeiro, Brazil
    10.00-11.00 Registration
    11.00- 11.30 Inaugural Session
    Chairperson: Mr. K.K.Jaswal, Chairman of   the Delhi Group


  • Designation   of Chairpersons and rapporteurs for the technical sessions
11.30-11.45 Tea/   Coffee Break

SESSION-I:    Case studies on the operationalisation of the
concept of "Informal   Employment" as distinct from 
"Informal Sector   Employment"

Chairperson: Ms. Joann Vanek j
Rapporteur Dr. Denise Britz


  1. A labour   force survey module on informal employment, (including employment in informal   sector) as a tool for enhancing the International comparability of data (Part-I)   - Ralf Hussmanns, ILO
  2. Testing the conceptual Frame Work of Informal   Employment - A case study of India – Dr. G. Raveendran,   India
  3. The concepts of Informal Sector and Informal   Employment, An Application for Brazil – Angela Filgueiras Jorge & Lucilia   Valadao, IBGE


13.00-14.00  LunchBreak
14.00-15.30  SESSION I   (Contd.)
15.30-15.45  Tea/Coffee Break
15.45-   17.30 SESSION II:  Linkages of Informal Sector Statistics with  
Income and Expenditure and Poverty Statistics
Chairperson: Mr. Ralf Hussmanns   
Rapporteur:  Dr. G. Raveendran  



  1. Analysis   linking data on work in informal employment and poverty : case study of India –   Dr. N.S. Sastry, WIEGO 
  2. Operationalisation   from the point of view of the policy maker - Mr. Lourdes   Ferran.


17 September, 2002 Tuesday
9.00-10.15 SESSION II (continued)  
1. Rethinking Informal Economy in Rio de Janeiro   Slums - Dr. Denise Britz   do Nascimento Silva, IBGE
10.15-10.45   SESSION I (continued) 
  1. Testing the conceptual Framework of Informal   Employment – A case Study of Mexico- Rodrigo Negrete (presented by Ralf   Hussmanns)
  2. Measuring Informal Employment; illustration   from case studies- National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), India   (presented by Dr. G. Raveendran)


11.00-11.15     Tea/Coffee Break
11.15-13.00 SESSION III: Establishment of Comparable Data   Sets on Informal Sector
Chairperson: Ms. Maria Martha Mallard Mayer
Rapporteur Ms. Nilima Lal      



  1. Preservation   of Micro-data at the National Level: Case Study of India – Dr. N. S. Sastry,   WIEGO 
  2. A labour   force survey module on informal employment (including employment in the informal   sector) as a tool for enhancing the International comparability of data   (Part-II) – Ralf Hussmanns & Ms. Brigitte du Jeu. 
  3. Presentation of project proposals received   from some of the countries - (presented by Dr. G.   Raveendran)


13.00-14.00      LunchBreak
14.00-15.30 SESSION IV: Methods & procedures for the collection 
of Informal   Sector Statistics on a regular basis including 
preparation of a   manual
Chairperson: Dr. N.S. Sastry    
Rapporteur: Mr. Ralf Hussmanns  



  1. Improved statistics on the Informal Economy.   User needs - Martha Chen, Margarita Guerrero and Joann Vanek,   WIEGO 
  2. A Review of National Survey and Possible Contents of a Manual – Dr. G. Raveendran, India


15.30-15.45   Tea/Coffee   Break
15.45-17.30   SESSION IV (contd.)

18   September, 2002 Wednesday

10.00-11.30 SESSION V: Discussions on Future Programme of   Work
Chairperson Mr. K.K. Jaswal   
Rapporteur Dr. G. Raveendran  
11.30-12.00  Tea/Coffee   Break
12.00-13.00 SESSION VI: Concluding Session
Chairperson Mr. K. K. Jaswal, Chairman of the Delhi   Group
13.00-14.00  LunchBreak
14.00-16.30   Presentation of Summary of Recommendations
Valedictory Address by the Chairperson
Vote of thanks.      
16.30 –   16.45    Tea/Coffee Break
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