ISS Circulars

E.g., 2025-03-11
E.g., 2025-03-11
SNo Subject Circular Number Date of Issue
11 vacancy circular of Filling up of post of Principal Advisor in TRAI (HQ), New DelhiPDF icon( 1.64 MB ) 12025/01/2019-ISS 15-10-2020
12 Handling Large Scale Data & Data Analysis using R' in online mode (40 hours of video lectures i.e. @10 hours per week for four weeksPDF icon( 255.66 KB ) Y-11011/05/DSTP/2020-21/NSSTA 01-10-2020
13 Request for nomination- “12 Weeks Online Course of Machine Learning using PythonPDF icon( 103.08 KB ) M-11013/01/Misc/2019-20/NSSTA 04-09-2020
14 Third Batch for Online Course of Machine Learning using Python of duration 12 WeeksPDF icon( 320.09 KB ) M-11013/01/Misc/2019-20/NSSTA 04-09-2020
15 Permission for writing/publish a research article by ISS OfficersPDF icon( 739.35 KB ) 12020/01/2019-ISS 09-07-2020
16 Final Seniority List of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Officersas on 01.01.2020 - regardingPDF icon( 1.58 MB ) File No.12012/01/2018-ISS 23-06-2020
17 OM regarding Filling up of post under CRIS on deputation basisPDF icon( 405.50 KB ) 12025/01/2019-ISS 12-06-2020
18 Second Batch for Online Course of Machine Learning using Python of duration 12 WeeksPDF icon( 282.43 KB ) M-11013/01/Misc/2019-20/NSSTA 13-05-2020
19 First Batch of online Course of Machine Learning using Python of duration 12 WeeksPDF icon( 561.52 KB ) No.M-11013/1/misc./2019-20/NSSTA 15-04-2020
20 Second Batch for Online Course of Machine Learning using Python of duration 12 WeeksPDF icon( 90.08 KB ) M-11013/01/Misc/2019-20/NSSTA 15-04-2020


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